loud house lynn jr fanfiction

Lets have a farting contest! "Hey can I come in?" Diane: Thanks! Loni Loud This fanfiction touches on one of the more awkward areas of the show the fact that Luna, Luan, and Lynn Jr. haven't appeared to have developed breasts yet. Lana then jumps and lands on Lynn, who laughs, and then the girls lie in the puddle and stare at the sky. [She hits the ball, but it bounces off a tree and back.]. Earl: Mallory seems to have the advantage, but you should never underestimate an underdog! She smiles widely, throws on her clothes, and runs down the stairs. Luna said as the rest of the girls walk in. The Louds pushed Lynn outside the back door and locked it. "Wow, Lynn," said Lincoln, surprisingly, "I didn't know that sports were really so much to you. "Well that's because luck doesn't exist and you made us believe that our only brother was bad luck. Then, it shows a montage of Lynn playing all kinds of sports, from baseball, to basketball, to football, and to soccer, and it cuts back to the present. "No, and here's why." Lily Loud (evil side) You're probably wondering why I'm upset. Rodney: Ill get across that finish line if its the last thing I do! What? Lynn looked angry at the rejection, even a little surprised. If you have any questions or things you wanna say, you can either DM me on Instagram (@eclecticallyem) or either ask me on Tumblr(also @eclecticallyem). Lynn, why did you bring me here? Lincoln asked his older sister, carefully so she wouldnt be any more triggered. Rachel Marsh and Sean Conner. He murmured. Behind her, the sisters tried to stop Lynn, afraid that Lincoln would be even more hurt. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. I also have Deviantart too, under the same username, but would like to avoid any contact on it since I barely use it(Only contact me through it if absolutely necessary). Lynn, I hope youre not planning to do that again. Lori said, her hands on her hips. Lynn asked. The driver shouted as drove off. Has a tvtropes page! She poked Conner, pointing in Lynns direction, and started talking. The rest of the girls cheer as Lynn and Paula prance around and Megan and Morgan scowl.]. He tries to do the same to her, but she leaps in the air, lands behind him, and gets him instead.]. We were five, but you still mopped the floor with me. Despite the subject's awkwardness, this story is in no way a Rule 34 and actually has some emotional bonding between Lynn and Lori as well as humour. Then sold my stuff. His bad luck could be contagious!". Story At afternoon Lincoln returned home from his school, complaining about how bad day he had there. Eventually, she gets the ball into the hole. After Lynn's outburst she ran away crying. Im bringing you the very first chapter of The Trouble With Lynn here, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! He walks up to it and tries again, succeeding.]. She couldnt let them do the same thing with her only brother. ], [Finally, Katie has her turn. Lynn, dragging Lincoln behind her, opened the creaky door to the abandoned garden shed their family never used. [She winds down the windows and they fart all the way home. Luan: These videos say she's super polite, and is almost as big of a health nut as Lori, so if I were you, I'd save the junk food 'til the end of the day. The glass on the table smashed as well, causing shards to puncture Lincoln's arms, legs, and back. Lynn: Whoops! But with these two, she couldnt stop. I acted like a spoiled brat and a sore loser. Twenty (or so) years ago in Scotland, Lincoln Loud made a terrible mistake with his oldest sister And then for the following twenty years, he continued making similar terrible mistakes with the rest of them. Lucy replied. Eventually, he did come back, and at the time, I was so scared of him that I literally lost my hair, but now that hes back and my hair is back, hes not so bad. "I'm very disappointed in you Lynn Jr." Lynn Sr said. "This is nuts Luan." But it wasnt hers. Lola asked. "Well we were horrible parents to you. But I couldn't take it there because of your superstitions." "Well at least's it not raining." With renovations going on in an almost empty house Lincoln, Lucy and Lynn need to share a bed. "I think she had enough." Lana: Come on, Lynn! "Even I felt bad hurting my closest siblings." Her ponytail is held up with a black hairband, both only visible when she is viewed from the side or back. Lynn sighed after hearing Lincoln's rant. Danica: And the winner is Lynn by a whisker! After he passed front door of his house Lynn jumped towards him to kick him in torso, screaming "Banzai!". [Lynn does two somersaults while dunking the ball.]. Halloween is a time for scares, trick-or-treating, and lots of candy, but Lincoln wasn't expecting any of the candy he got this year. Olivia starts off by scoring a goal. Lynn: My parents did the same thing to me last year! You were 13 years old already moving because of family problems. there is an actual Loud house movie, you'll need to have seen at least the beginning to undserstand this story. Now Luna transforms into a wolf at night and goes on a killing spree. "I can handle it." No vulgar language. Lisa said. Old wax crayons and papers were scattered all over, and of course, Lynns balls naturally were there, too. said Lori. Lori: Then we tried putting on a show, but that didnt work either, but then one of them got caught up with a group of cheerleaders and they had a disco ball, which reminded Lucy that you can see ghosts through broken mirrors. I'll clean your rooms for a year, I'll be Lola's maid for a month. His entire head, except for the mouth and nose, were covered in gauze. Luan laughed. Lynn: What's up, punks? Winners, winners, chicken dinners! [They go inside and Danica and a large guy with spiky blond hair named Earl are the announcers.]. Just around the corner would be the school playground. Friend Seans words were cut off by a blow to his chest, which knocked him to the ground. She then walks into the kitchen, where Lincoln is drinking soda. Luan: So far, shes got the pole thing covered! The bandages also bound his left arm and right leg to his neck, which made him look like an awkward mummy. Luke Loud Lincoln said and Lynn was confused by what Lincoln said. Oh yeah? Lincoln was in his room and he sighs. Old wax crayons and papers were scattered all over, and of course, Lynns balls naturally were there, too. Lincoln said and the family all hugged. Danica: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome one and all to the Royal Woods Junior Olympics. Around the letters, Lynn had drawn dead smiley faces with a red crayon. Whoa! Lynn begged with tears streaming down her face. That was the only feminine point about her, the rest of her body could be mistaken for a boys. [They line up. Lynn asked. Earl: These two are both strong contestants! Lynn clenched her teeth, almost breaking a tooth, as the blanket was lifted and bright light blinded her. Lincoln Loud swung his front door open, blinking back his tears of pain and dashing up the stairs. Lynn clenched her teeth. ], [Rodney hits his ball, and it rolls down but doesnt go into the hole. When one of his sisters was the center of the problem, he always knew the right solution, the right plan to conduct. said Lincoln. The broken barricade was scattered all over the room, and the door was kicked wide open. Lincoln said to the readers. said Lincoln. What the-STOP! Rachel screamed at Lynn while trying to block her punches, but failing Im not the same kid you met six years ago. She growled, knocking Marsh to the ground next to Conner. It was poorly done. Lincoln said. "And I think it's a good idea.". Its an alternative Ending Creepypasta. Through his muffled ears, Lincoln could hear his sisters gathering in the hall, trying to figure out what had happened to Lincoln. [Lynn thrusts forward and tries to get Roy but he sidesteps out of the way. Then youll get in trouble for doing so, and our parents are going to be mad at you, and so on and on. After r You were new to royal woods. "Well let's go get some ice cream." [Alexander heads the ball into the net, then Lynn does the same with her eyes shut.]. - Cute one shots. Roy: Looks like this is your first taste of defeat! This is my first Loud House fanfiction, so it might be crappy(I hope you understand). Danica: Youd better watch out Id be prepared for it! And I feel thats a better way of doing representation than creating a character thats solely to let people know that the group they represent exists. Sean Conner was a skinny boy with sandy hair and squinty green eyes. "Yeah she turned us into hippos." Youre a girl! [Lynn takes another shot and the ball bounces off all the trees and into a gophers mouth, but then the gopher spits it into the hole. Occupation Around the letters, Lynn had drawn dead smiley faces with a red crayon. Both were covered in bruises and groaning mindlessly. I thought that was another Loud! Marsh drawled, looking down at Lynn as if she was a particularly cute animal. All of the Loud siblings knew what their oldest sister was talking about, and all of them had experienced it. Lisa deactivated Lincoln's tracking implant. Lincoln replied. I took advantage of the whole jinx thing for free time, but I felt lonely and I was kicked out by my whole family, when I confessed I was still rejected." Lori: Yes way! *preparing my T-60 power armor immediately*. [Gareth runs up to the pole and leaps, but as he goes over the bar, he loses his pants, exposing his underwear. That's the way it always had gone in The Loud House, until one day, things go way far. "." She was not trying to show it in front of Lincoln and Clyde though. Human Started: Jan 7th What happens if all of royal woods have powers. Lincoln beamed with excitement, but that was short lived with confusion. Lori: Anyway, the boys found the ghost in the library and they chased it around with their little zap guns, but eventually, they found out that they didnt need those, because they just told it to leave me alone and it did. 'Come on, Lynn.you can get through this, be resolute, and stonewalled!' But the more she thought about the events that happened, the more she thought of her own experiences in school. Lynn: I agree, but I'd like to get them out of my system first. Lincoln ranted. Lincoln let out a small yelp of pain, and his hands instantly covered his swollen eye. Alive Sky Lynn suggested as she sighed and looked down. Thats cheating! Despite her age, her short appearance makes it seem like she's a preteen, not a teenager. Lynn Loud, Rodney Walters, and Samantha Warren! Lynn: *laughs* Thats gross, but hilarious! Lynn: OK, so I was at this hockey game, watching the Jellyfish, when Stern Fern threw me out for throwing her hat into the rink. She spent the week, conflicted. Dominic is short, round, and African-American, Elizabeth is skinny and has a brown ponytail, while Bob is blond and has an average body type. Lucy had brought him a potion that she claimed would instantly cure him, but crashed into Leni, spilling the green liquid over his bandages. The room instantly became quiet, and the sisters parted enough to reveal Lincoln. Lynn: No, thats my other sister. Lincoln, crouching down next to wheelbarrow, could see colorful crayon drawings that decorated the shed. Lynn: No, Ill beat you easily because you still live in the 1950s! Played By ], [They start swimming. [She runs upstairs and puts on music. She tries getting it out, but has a bit of a struggle. Lincoln started wondering if telling her was the right thing to do. La navidad no siempre es esa fiesta hermosa y familiar que pensamos, hay veces en que realmente es una mierda. Both: And finally, for first place Lynn Loud! It's my first ever one shot I've done. He enjoyed solitary pursuits and . Who did that to you. She jabbed a finger at his swollen black eye, and his hands flew up to cover the injury. ], [She takes off her own sock and shoe and picks her nose with her own big toe. Each of them were holding medical supplies varying from band-aids to giant x-ray machines(Excluding Lynn, who was wielding her signature metal baseball bat). That happens every time you do it. Lincoln Loud has become responsible for safekeeping the power of Shazam. If I tell you who did this- He pointed at his black eye- Youll go straight to them and beat them up. Creator he tried to yell, but his mouth was covered by a hand, muffling his words. Disclaimer: i do not own the loud house!! 1314 (possibly) 9 - A Childrens Book About Lying by Joy Berry Lies, stories, and mistakes are different While there are many stories about lying and why its wrong, what I like about this particular book is. ], Girls: One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen, [Maddies glasses fall off but she puts them back on.]. When they saw Lincolns swollen eye, they all gasped and started attacking him with their equipment. ], [She drinks it all in one go and burps loudly. Danica: Lets get into my car and paint the town red! "You know what I don't even care anymore." Lynn: Yes you will, or my name isnt Lynn Loud! But Lincoln watched Lynn getting chased by the dog and it reminded him of all the torment he went through. "You has no idea what I had to go through." "Whoops I guess we forgot to put it on the other side." Lynn, though disappointed at first, soon developed affection for little Lucy and the two became close sisters. [Outside, Lynn starts doing jumping jacks. said Lincoln. "As you can see at the game where your winning streak ended he had nothing to do with bad luck. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. ], [Katie stands up and is given her silver medal.]. Lynn Loud, Katie Wallace, Dominic Peters, Elizabeth Crawford, and Bob Ryan. Im looking for someone who would like to take on an online script role play for fun based off the 2021 Netflix movie, The Loud House movie. "Shut up! The duo made oohing sounds. He showed me his stamp collection and his model airplane. "Oh hey. Lincoln stared at his Lynn, who looked at him beggingly. Lincoln had absolutely no idea of what Lynn was planning to do, but he had a feeling it wouldnt be good. She puts mud down Lynns shirt, then Lynn pins Danica.]. "We were right hippos back there." ], [Olivia takes the puck, moves in a zigzag motion, and then scores another goal. Lori: The boys then interrogated me in the cafeteria and accidentally spilled drinks on the janitor, but just as we were about to clean it up, it literally cleaned itself up! "Ugh! Being chased by dogs, being called a loser and sweating inside that suit. His first task: finding people who are worthy to wield it. "Get it?" "What do you girls want?" "But what about the squirrel mascot costume?" "Charles won't let me in, he growled at me." After running with her brother, athletic Lynn grants him an overdue gift. Luan joked and she and Lincoln laughed. "I forgive you guys." His older sister was more of the demanding type, and saw pleading as showing weakness. [Lynn scores again, making her the winner. you give me butterflies you know - new jeans Lori tried to wrap Lincoln's face with gauze, but was constantly bumped in by her sisters and accidentally wrapped parts like his arms, neck, and waist. ], [They get up, crouch down, and start wiggling and slapping their butts.]. He stayed there for a long time, away from the chaos of the Loud house, away from his sisters who were searching for him, but not away from the worries surrounding him about Lynn. was the one with the situation, he felt dumbfounded and helpless. "Oh come on! Lynn's punishment | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom in: Episodes, Episodes focusing on Lynn Loud, Re-writes, and 2 more Lynn's punishment View source My 2nd fanfic on the wiki. Earl: And for our last match, a boxing match between Lynn Loud and Mallory Krellman! Lynn: I've got the biggest butt in this house and I'm not afraid to move it! Lynn Loud and Gareth Kepler! Luna replied. Lynn: I was invited to the Royal Woods Junior Olympics! the only thing that is mine is the storyline Lynn Sr.: *crying happily* Youre the best athlete I know. !! We both wanted something and it ended up being rejected and being the laughing stock." Lynn Jr. (Throwing the ball): AH HA! At the park Lola and Lana are playing in the sandbox, Luna is pushing Lily in the swings, Lisa is studying at the pond. Seriously, Lincoln? Lynnda "Lynn" Lee Loud, Jr. is a main character in The Loud House. Lynn was quiet for a long time, and the shed started to grow awkward. However, now that. She turned on the van and drive away as they left the Santiago House to return their home. The secretary, Cheryl, was running towards the playground, her face bright red. II He stammered. Lynn: The most famous female athlete! "Loser!" Luan laughed and her siblings groaned. Its fromgym class.. Gareth: I may have been beaten by a girl last time, but I wont this time! 10 - Things in the Sea are Touching Me by Linda Jane Keegan and Ngarae Roberts Having two mothers is normal This isnt the primary message of the book its not like Heather Has Two Mommies, where thats the whole point the story instead focuses on this lesbian couples daughter being afraid of things touching her in the ocean and thats why I like the book. Lisa rolls her eyes.]. Halloween es una fecha para sustos, dulce o truco y dulces muchos dulces, pero Lincoln no esperaba ninguno de los que le dieron este ao.Ttulo corregido, esto se trata de halloween y las otras festividades. Cheryl was coming closer to her, her shouts getting louder. Follow/Fav Lynn's Next Chapter. I'm getting sick and tired of the fandom ranking "No Such Luck" the worst episode of The Loud House, and yes, I agree that it is one of (if not) the worst episodes of the Loud House but it's been taking a lot of hatred seriously, I believe "Brawl in the Family" deserves a lot of hate more than "No Such Luck" and a lot of Lynn haters (like myself) are taking their hate for Lynn very seriously, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't like Lynn, they can dislike her all they want, but they shouldn't bash on her like that 24/7 and that includes me too. Luna opens the back door with Lily by her side. Lynn: What's up, punks? It was a drawing of a stick figure Lynn, protecting a stick Lincoln from more stick figures, who were supposedly bullies. Lori Loud: (sobbing softly) He is not coming with us. Katie fires and also gets a bullseye, causing the crowd to applaud again. Ten burgers and ten fries, please! There are all kinds of families, small, medium and big, and this story's about that, a really, really big family. Were having our two month anniversary of our first kiss soon! Lynn continues to hold onto hope that her brother is alive. said Lynn. Lincoln is tired of being the joke and black sheep of the family. *sheepish chuckle* Sorry, maam. The two were the local bully duo, picking on random kids for money, for exercise, for fun. [Luan shows her phone, which shows Danica, a brunette in a white uniform with a 3 on it, eating salad.]. Bully them, and you'd get a personal beating up. Lincoln, crouching down next to wheelbarrow, could see colorful crayon drawings that decorated the shed. Cut to the tennis court where the girls are playing tennis Lynn with Margo, Diane with Amy, Maya with Paula, Nadia with Lainey, and Polly with Maddie.]. Nadia: Thanks. said Luna from the other side. "So you want me to wear that squirrel mascot and I can come back inside?" Lynn Sr. thrashed Lincoln off of his arm. Takes place after no such luck. ", "Yeah," said Lynn. He sat down again, against one of Lynns soccer balls. I can handle this, just leave us alone. Each of them were holding medical supplies varying from band-aids to giant x-ray machines(Excluding Lynn, who was wielding her signature metal baseball bat). Insult. Lynn grabs a rock and throws it at a tree, but the rock hits a beehive and the bees came out o the beehive and flew towards Lynn. [The girls go to the pool, change into matching white swimsuits with blue numbers on them, and dive in. Lincolns personal favorite was the banner he and Lynn(but mostly he had contributed to) made, hanging across the triangular ceiling of the shelf. The wooden walls were covered in tic-tac-toe and hangman games(which of all Lynn won), and even scores for. Therefor you have only yourself to blame.". Other parts yell at her to act, to fight. Then, my club started glowing and floating! This is my first Loud House fanfiction, so it might be crappy(I hope you understand). Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. Some time later, the girls are still neck-and-neck.]. Then, some rap music starts playing, making Lynn and Danica smile. I'm getting sick and tired of the fandom ranking "No Such Luck" the worst episode of The Loud House, and yes, I agree that it is one of (if not) the worst episodes of the Loud House but it's been taking a lot of hatred seriously, I believe . Roy: Youre a worthy opponent, but can you beat this? 59. Lainey: It shows. ], [She stands up, strikes a pose, and jabs Mallory in the stomach, giving her a cramp and making Lynn the winner.]. said Lincoln. Lynn said. [Lynn can then be heard farting from upstairs.]. said Lola. Did you see what happened to Lynn? Lynn Loud vs. Alexander Scott! Chapter 1-Revenge. Luan said as she crossed her arms. Now he has a somewhat Unorthodox family. y r the siblings dating- Lynn asked with a threatening tone. Lewd. Look at this, Rachel, weve got another Loud for the day! Conner jeered, jabbing a finger at Lynn. W-Who?. Lucy sighed. What if he leaves his family who calls him Bad luck? "Correction. disaster struck as the space rock cracks open and an alien slime ca Lincoln is tired of being pushed around and being abused by his family, and now, he is deemed bad luck, once again. Rita: No, honey; love in tennis means zero. You said that I was jinxed because you lost your winning streak that was acting like a 6 year old." Danica pins Lynn, then Lynn throws mud in Danicas eyes. said Lincoln. Lynn shouted as she put her head through the doggie door. Mr. Grouse shouted from his house. Lynn Jr.: *comes in from the front yard, holding her baseball glove and a ball, all she hears is Lori's yelling and slamming* Geez, what's with her? To get away from our other sisters. The next morning, Lynn begins to open her eyes slowly and she sees a giant squirrel head on the coffee table. Danica: Rodneys got a hole in two! "Hypo- oh forgot it!" Shes a super neat freak. At 14 years old (13 before), Lynn is the fifth-oldest child of the Loud family, and the youngest of Lincoln's five older sisters. Since we have some privacy here, can you tell me now?. The anger and thirst for revenge had taken over her body and consciousness, to the point where she forgot her surroundings, the only thing that she could think of was to beat them up. [They swim until Lynn crosses the finish line just seconds before Rodney.]. Would you be interested? I threatened you to come at my game. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (30), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Satoshi no Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu, Lincoln Loud/Lynn Loud Jr./Lucy Loud/Stella Zhau, More tags to be added if I can be bothered, Dulce Dulce Halloween, chicas y das festivos, Loud House Movie Alternative Ending Creepypasta Role Play offer, Una tarde cualquiera, en un da cualquiera (Lynncoln), relationship tags and rating subject to change, Alternate Universe - The Sin Kids (The Loud House). She is named after her father. "Good idea." Lynn asked. *stomps upstairs, barges into Lori's and Leni's room* Lori: Uh, HELLO? Rita and the sisters ran over to Lincoln. You did a great job at staying awake! . However, she simply replied, Yes.. "She's my type definitely" (another NSL fanfic) Takes place in the middle of the night as lincoln was walking through the streets of royal woods as he was kicked out of his own home by his family Getting kicked out of The Loud Family, Lincoln runs away and was in Central City, while there, he meets a kind scientist let him to live in at his lab as along as Lincol Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. Lynn farts. Danica: Once when I was a teen, he and Mom made me take these nerd classes. The little shed was a perfect place to seek comfort with each other, and even filled it with their personal belongings. Until Luan comes up with a project that may save their beloved sisteror get her in even more trouble. Lincolns personal favorite was the banner he and Lynn(but mostly he had contributed to) made, hanging across the triangular ceiling of the shelf. You want me to wear a ballerina outfit?" Though he was all flesh and bones, he could throw a punch darn good. Lynn fires her shot and gets a bullseye, causing the crowd to go wild.]. said Lori behind Lincoln's door. "Oh come on! My 2nd fanfic on the wiki. But he accidentally got it on Coach Niblicks face. The siblings find themselves becoming. However, now that he was the one with the situation, he felt dumbfounded and helpless. Lincoln said as he sat next to Lynn. Having now beco During the events of nsl Lincoln is raped by his family as this causes his mind to shatter into 9 other parts each with their own personality and some with powers. Lynn: Woo-hoo! In the audience, Lynn Sr., Luna, Luan, the twins, and Lily are laughing, while Rita, Lori, and Leni are struggling not to laugh. Lynn, who looked a lot less happier than her brother, heavily sat down across the shed, facing Lincoln. Lynn was standing in the doorway, her foot in a kicking position, surrounded by her 9 sisters. She mustve left her baseball bat back in his room, since it was nowhere to be seen. What Lincoln was doing there, Lynn didnt know. The other Louds start cheering for her and Danica walks up. Chapter 755: Lynn, then Ridley and her new friend. to you. She jabbed a finger at his swollen black eye, and his hands flew up to cover the injury. Our other sister, her twin, Lola, doesnt though. Luna slides a plate of half a meatball sub out the doggie dog. I'm bringing you the very first chapter of The Trouble With Lynn here, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! "Stop sending me on a guilt trip! here, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! "No, I owe you an apology. "Oh hey. Usually Stinkoln is the one who talks to the audience, but today, I have something to tell you -- *mischievously* I plan to give whoever comes in next a two-for-flinching!

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loud house lynn jr fanfiction